2 - Certain Capital Market Participants

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Canadian Securities Administrators / Autorités canadiennes en valeurs mobilièresCSA Staff Notice 24-319 Regarding

 National Instrument 24-101 Institutional Trade Matching and Settlement – Update and Staff Recommendation


August 10, 2023


On December 15, 2022, the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) published for comment proposed amendments (the 2022 Proposed Amendments) to National Instrument 24-101 Institutional Trade Matching and Settlement (NI 24-101).  This Notice contains CSA Staff’s (Staff or we) views regarding changes to the 2022 Proposed Amendments based on industry feedback. Staff intend to recommend that our respective decision-makers adopt[1] a revised version of the 2022 Proposed Amendments that would include a trade-matching deadline of 3:59 a.m. Eastern Time on the day after the trade (T+1) (rather than a trade-matching deadline of 9 p.m. Eastern Time on the date a trade is made as was published in the 2022 Proposed Amendments).


NI 24-101 provides a framework for ensuring efficient and timely settlement of the processing of institutional trades (equity and debt) by registered dealers and advisers (Registered Firms). NI 24-101 has a number of requirements including that Registered Firms are required to establish, maintain and enforce policies and procedures designed to achieve the matching threshold of institutional trades.

The 2022 Proposed Amendments are intended to align with the shortening of the standard settlement cycle for equity and long-term debt market trades in Canada from two days after the date of a trade (T+2) to T +1, and to coincide, as much as possible, with parallel changes in the United States.

The Notice that accompanied the 2022 Proposed Amendments asked for feedback on the most appropriate trade-matching deadline to achieve settlement on T+1.[2]

Purpose of this Notice

In public comments on the 2022 Proposed Amendments, we received feedback indicating that participants favored a trade matching deadline of 3:59 a.m. on T+1. Staff are supportive of this change to the 2022 Proposed Amendments.

In other, more recent communications, the Canadian Capital Markets Association (CCMA), which is leading industry coordination efforts in Canada, expressed concerns about the trade-matching deadline published in the 2022 Proposed Amendments and the need to know the trade-matching deadline as soon as possible in order to make the necessary preparations, including information technology systems changes and testing, for the T+1 transition.

In response to this feedback, Staff are publishing this Notice to update industry about our recommendation regarding the trade matching deadline to help firms with their preparations for the transition to T+1. The amendments recommended by Staff, if approved by our respective decision-makers[3], are expected to come into force on a date that is aligned with Canada’s industry move to a T+1 settlement cycle, currently expected to be May 27, 2024.


If you have questions, please contact any of the following:

Ontario Securities Commission

Aaron Ferguson

Manager, Market Regulation

Tel: 416-593-3676

Email: aferguson@osc.gov.on.ca


Ontario Securities Commission

Jarrod Smith

Senior Accountant, Market Regulation

Tel: 416-263-3778

Email: jsmith@osc.gov.on.ca


Ontario Securities Commission

Stephanie Wakefield

Senior Legal Counsel, Market Regulation

Tel: 647-401-8397

Email: swakefield@osc.gov.on.ca


Autorité des marchés financiers

Dominique Martin,

Senior Director, Market Activities and Derivatives

Tel: 514-395-0337, ext. 4351

Email: dominique.martin@lautorite.qc.ca


Autorité des marchés financiers

Yasmine Garreau

Senior Policy Advisor - Oversight of Clearing Activities

Tel: 514-395-0337, ext. 4697

Email: yasmine.garreau@lautorite.qc.ca



Autorité des marchés financiers

Francis Coche

Analyst, Derivatives - Oversight of Clearing Activities

Tel: 514-395-0337, ext. 4343

Email: Francis.Coche@lautorite.qc.ca


Alberta Securities Commission

Harvey Steblyk

Senior Legal Counsel, Market Regulation

Tel: 403-297-2468

Email: harvey.steblyk@asc.ca


British Columbia Securities Commission

Michael Grecoff,

Securities Market Specialist, Capital Markets Regulation

Tel: 604-899-6864

Email: mgrecoff@bcsc.bc.ca


British Columbia Securities Commission

Navdeep Gill

Senior Legal Counsel, Legal Services, Capital Markets Regulation

Tel: 604-899-6970

Email: ngill@bcsc.bc.ca


Manitoba Securities Commission

Paula White

Deputy Director, Compliance and Oversight

Tel: 204-945-5195

Email: paula.white@gov.mb.ca


Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan

Liz Kutarna

Director, Capital Markets, Securities Division

Tel: 306-787-5871

Email: liz.kutarna@gov.sk.ca







Financial and Consumer Services Commission (New Brunswick)

Amelie McDonald

Legal Counsel

Tel: 506-635-2938

Email: amelie.mcdonald@fcnb.ca


Nova Scotia Securities Commission

Chris Pottie

Deputy Director, Registration & Compliance

Tel: 902-424-5393

Email: chris.pottie@novascotia.ca










[1] Subject to applicable ministerial approvals.

[2] https://www.osc.ca/en/securities-law/instruments-rules-policies/2/24-101/csa-notice-and-request-comment-proposed-amendments-national-instrument-24-101-institutional-trade

[3] Subject to applicable ministerial approvals.

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.