Form 45-108F4
Notice of Specified Key Events
Instructions: This is the form of notice required under section 18 of Multilateral Instrument 45-108 Crowdfunding in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Ontario to be made available to holders of securities acquired under the crowdfunding prospectus exemption.
1. Issuer Name and Address |
Full legal name: |
Street address: |
Province/State: |
Municipality: |
Postal code/Zip code: |
Website: |
Country: |
2. Specified Key Event |
The event, as described in section 3, is (checkmark all that apply): □ a discontinuation of the issuer’s business □ a change in the issuer’s industry □ a change of control of the issuer Date on which the event occurred (yyyy/mm/dd): |
3. Event Description |
Provide a brief description of the event identified in section 2.
4. Contact Person |
Provide the following information for a person at the issuer who can be contacted regarding the event described in section 3. |
Name: |
Title: |
Email address: |
Telephone number: |
Date of notice (yyyy/mm/dd): |