Orders and Exemptions

Decision Information

Decision Content

Order No. 6188
Section 20(1)

August 20, 2010


I.G. Investment Management, Ltd.


(A)       I.G. Investment Management, Ltd. ("IGIM") has applied to The Manitoba Securities Commission (the "Commission") for an order under s. 20(1) of The Securities Act, R.S.M. 1988, c. S50 (the "Act") that IGIM is exempt from the dealer registration requirement under section 6 of the Act in respect of:

1) trades by it in Non-Retail Securities and Future Non-Retail Securities of Investors Group Mutual Funds and Future Investors Group Mutual Funds (as defined below) to Specified Investors (as defined below); and

2) trades in Prospectus Qualified Securities (as defined below) of Investors Group Mutual Funds and Future Investors Group Mutual Funds with itself.

(the "Requested Relief")

(B)       IGIM has represented to the Commission that:

1.         IGIM is a registered firm pursuant to the Act and National Instrument 31-103 – Registration Requirements and Exemptions ("NI 31-103"), as an adviser (in the category of portfolio manager) in Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec and will apply by September 28, 2010 for registration as investment fund manager in Manitoba pursuant to the transitional provisions prescribed by NI 31-103.

2.         IGIM’s Head Office, and principal place of business, is located at 447 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

3.         IGIM is a corporation continued under the Ontario Business Corporations Act (OBCA) and it acts as:

(i)         investment fund manager for approximately 160 mutual funds as listed in attached Appendix "A" and Appendix "B" (the "Investors Group Mutual Funds"), securities of which are qualified for distribution to the public in all Provinces and Territories in Canada which, as such, are reporting issuers or equivalent in all of those jurisdictions;

(ii)        portfolio adviser for a number of the Investors Group Mutual Funds; and

(iii)       trustee for the Investors Group Mutual Funds that are trusts.

4.         The Investors Group Mutual Funds listed in Appendix "A" are unit trusts (the "Investors Group Trust Funds") established or continued by a Master Declaration of Trust dated as of October 1, 2007, as amended from time to time, or other declarations of trust or trust agreements.  IGIM acts as trustee of all the Investors Group Trust Funds.  Each of the Investors Group Trust Funds offer one or more class or series of units that are qualified by prospectus for distribution to retail investors in all the Provinces and Territories of Canada.  With the exception of the Investors Group Income Fund and Investors Group Short-Term Income Fund, these prospectus qualified units are distributed through IGIM’s affiliates Investors Group Financial Services Inc. (a registered mutual fund dealer and Member of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada) and Investors Group Securities Inc. (a registered investment dealer and Member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada).  The prospectus qualified units of the Investors Group Income Fund and Investors Group Short-Term Income Fund (Series "O" Units) are distributed by Investors Group Financial Services Inc., but not to retail investors. 

5.         The Investors Group Mutual Funds listed in Appendix "B" (the "Investors Group Corporate Class Funds") are each classes of shares of Investors Group Corporate Class Inc. (‘IGCC"), a mutual fund corporation organized under the Canada Business Corporations Act, with its head office at 447 Portage Ave, Winnipeg.  Each class of shares is a separate mutual fund having specific investment objectives and is specifically referable to a separate portfolio of investments.  Each class of shares offers two or more series of shares that are qualified by prospectus for distribution in the all the Provinces and Territories of Canada.  These shares are also distributed to retail investors through Investors Group Financial Services Inc. and Investors Group Securities Inc.

6.         In addition, the Investors Group Unit Trust Funds and the Investors Group Corporate Class Funds also issue, or may issue in the future, one or more non-retail class or series of units (currently Series "S", "Z", "P" and "F" Units for some or all of the Investors Group Trust Funds) or shares (currently Series "Z", "P" and "S" Shares for some or all of the Investors Group Corporate Class Funds), which have different fees and expenses than the retail series of units or shares issued by the Investors Group Mutual Funds (the "Non-Retail Securities"). The Non-Retail Securities generally are open for investment by other Investors Group Mutual Funds and other qualified investors and/or for investment by The Great-West Life Assurance Company ("Great-West"), an affiliate of IGIM, on behalf of segregated funds issued by Great-West and offered through affiliates of IGIM.

7.         IGIM conducts trades in Non-Retail Securities (both purchases and redemptions) in Manitoba among the Investors Group Mutual Funds, with Great-West and with itself as principal, in its capacity as investment fund manager of the Investors Group Mutual Funds, (collectively the "Specified Investors"), all of which meet the definition of "accredited investor" under the National Instrument 45-106 ("NI 45-106").  Until March 27, 2010 these trades were conducted pursuant to the prospectus and/or registration exemptions under sections 2.3 and 3.3 of NI 45-106.  Trades in Non-Retail Securities with the Specified Investors are necessary to:

(a) facilitate the investment by some Investors Group Mutual Funds, including portfolio funds, in other Investors Group Mutual Funds in order to meet the investment objectives of those Investors Group Mutual Funds, and to avoid the duplication of management and other fees payable by these Investors Group Mutual Funds as generally required by National Instrument 81-102 Mutual Funds ("NI 81-102");

(b) facilitate the investment by segregated fund products of Great-West, which are offered through affiliates of IGIM, in Investors Group Mutual Funds in order to meet the investment objectives of those segregated funds; and

(c) facilitate the administration of the Investors Group Mutual Funds (for example when IGIM as principal makes a nominal investment in a series of Non-Retail Securities to keep the series open for investment).

8.         IGIM does not offer or distribute the Non-Retail Securities to retail investors.

9.         Pursuant to section 8.5 of NI 45-106, the Part 3 registration exemptions under NI 45-106 are no longer available as of March 27, 2010 to firms that are registered in another category of registration in any jurisdiction in Canada.

10.       Pursuant to section 16.7(3) of NI 31-103, the requirement to register as dealer in the category of exempt market dealer in a Province or Territory of Canada outside Ontario and Newfoundland and Labrador does not apply to a person or company that acts as a dealer in the exempt market on the day the instrument comes into force (a) until one year after NI 31-103 came into force (i.e. September 28, 2010), or (b) if the person or company applies for registration as an exempt market dealer within one year after this Instrument comes into force, until the regulator has accepted or refused registration.

11.       IGIM was trading in the Non-Retail Securities in Manitoba with the Specified Investors pursuant to the registration and prospectus exemptions described above prior to NI 31-103 coming into force on September 28, 2009. IGIM therefore has until September 28, 2010 to apply for registration as an exempt market dealer pursuant to section 16.7 of NI 31-103 in order to continue trading in the Non-Retail Securities with the Specified Investors after September 28, 2010, unless it can obtain an exemption from the requirement to register as an exempt market dealer. 

12.       In addition to the foregoing, IGIM will on occasion trade (both purchases and redemptions) in Manitoba in securities that are qualified for distribution by way of prospectus ("Prospectus Qualified Securities") of the Investors Group Mutual Funds with itself as principal, in its capacity as investment fund manager of such Investors Group Mutual Funds, in order to facilitate the administration of such Investors Group Mutual Funds.  Such trades are necessary, for example, to: a) contribute the necessary seed capital into a mutual fund as required by section 3.1 of NI 81-102; b) keep a series of Prospectus Qualified Securities open for investment; c) inject sufficient cash into a new mutual fund in order for it to begin acquiring investments for its portfolio in a more efficient manner.  The investments described in (a) and (c) above are redeemed in accordance with section 3.1 of NI 81-102 or generally when the Investors Group Mutual Fund has sufficient net assets to maintain ongoing investments in an efficient manner.

13.       It is anticipated that IGIM will trade in future non-retail classes or series of securities which do not currently exist ("Future Non-Retail Securities") of the Investors Group Mutual Funds or of mutual funds for which IGIM is appointed investment fund manager ("Future Investors Group Mutual Funds") with the Specified Investors. It is also anticipated that IGIM will trade in Prospectus Qualified Securities of Future Investors Group Mutual Funds with itself as principal in order to facilitate the administration of such Future Investors Group Mutual Funds.


(C)       The Commission is of the opinion that it would not be prejudicial to the public interest to grant the Requested Relief.


1. THAT, under section 20(1) of the Act, IGIM is hereby exempt from the requirement to register as a dealer (in the category of exempt market dealer or other applicable category of dealer) in connection with trades in Non-Retail Securities with the Specified Investors.

2. THAT, under section 20(1) of the Act, IGIM is hereby exempt from the requirement to register as a dealer (in the category of exempt market dealer or other applicable category of dealer) in connection with trades in Future Non-Retail Securities of Investors Group Mutual Funds or Future Investors Group Mutual Funds with the Specified Investors (including Future Investors Group Mutual Funds who qualify as "accredited investors" under National Instrument 45-106).

3. THAT, under section 20(1) of the Act, IGIM is hereby exempt from the requirement to register as a dealer in connection with the trades in Prospectus Qualified Securities of Investors Group Mutual Funds or Future Investors Group Mutual Funds with itself as principal in order to facilitate the administration of such Investors Group Mutual Funds or Future Investors Group Mutual Funds.

4. THAT this order expires on December 31, 2012.




  1. Allegro Aggressive Canada Focus Portfolio
  2. Allegro Aggressive Portfolio
  3. Allegro Conservative Portfolio
  4. Allegro Moderate Aggressive Canada Focus Portfolio
  5. Allegro Moderate Aggressive Portfolio
  6. Allegro Moderate Conservative Portfolio
  7. Allegro Moderate Portfolio
  8. Alto Aggressive Canada Focus Portfolio
  9. Alto Aggressive Portfolio
  10. Alto Conservative Portfolio
  11. Alto Moderate Aggressive Canada Focus Portfolio
  12. Alto Moderate Aggressive Portfolio
  13. Alto Moderate Conservative Portfolio
  14. Alto Moderate Portfolio
  15. Alto Monthly Income and Enhanced Growth Portfolio
  16. Alto Monthly Income and Growth Portfolio
  17. Alto Monthly Income Portfolio
  18. Alto Monthly Income and Global Growth Portfolio
  19. IG AGF Canadian Balanced Fund
  20. IG AGF Canadian Diversified Growth Fund
  21. IG AGF Canadian Growth Fund
  22. IG AGF Global Equity Fund
  23. IG AGF U.S. Growth Fund
  24. IG Beutel Goodman Canadian Balanced Fund
  25. IG Beutel Goodman Canadian Equity Fund
  26. IG Beutel Goodman Canadian Small Cap Fund
  27. IG Bissett Canadian Equity Fund
  28. IG FI Canadian Allocation Fund
  29. IG FI Canadian Equity Fund
  30. Investors U.S. Equity Fund
  31. IG Mackenzie Cundill Global Value Fund
  32. IG Mackenzie Income Fund
  33. IG Mackenzie Ivy European Fund
  34. IG Mackenzie Maxxum Canadian Equity Growth Fund
  35. IG Mackenzie Maxxum Dividend Growth Fund
  36. IG Putnam U.S. High Yield Income Fund
  37. IG Templeton International Equity Fund
  38. Investors Canadian Balanced Fund
  39. Investors Canadian Bond Fund
  40. Investors Canadian Dividend Growth Fund
  41. Investors Canadian Equity Fund
  42. Investors Canadian Growth Fund
  43. Investors Canadian High Yield Income Fund
  44. Investors Canadian Large Cap Value Fund
  45. Investors Canadian Money Market Fund
  46. Investors Canadian Natural Resource Fund
  47. Investors Canadian Small Cap Fund
  48. Investors Canadian Small Cap Growth Fund
  49. Investors Cornerstone I Portfolio
  50. Investors Cornerstone II Portfolio
  51. Investors Cornerstone III Portfolio
  52. Investors Dividend Fund
  53. Investors European Dividend Growth Fund
  54. Investors European Equity Fund
  55. Investors European Mid-Cap Equity Fund
  56. Investors Global Bond Fund
  57. Investors Global Dividend Fund
  58. Investors Global Financial Services Fund
  59. Investors Global Fund
  60. Investors Global Real Estate Fund
  61. Investors Global Science & Technology Fund
  62. Investors Government Bond Fund
  63. Investors Greater China Fund
  64. Investors Growth Plus Portfolio
  65. Investors Growth Portfolio
  66. Investors Income Plus Portfolio
  67. Investors Income Portfolio
  68. Investors Canadian Equity Income Fund
  69. Investors International Equity Fund
  70. Investors Japanese Equity Fund
  71. Investors Mergers & Acquisitions Fund
  72. Investors Mortgage and Short Term Income Fund
  73. Investors Mutual of Canada
  74. Investors North American Equity Fund
  75. Investors Pacific International Fund
  76. Investors Pan Asian Growth Fund
  77. Investors Premium Money Market Fund
  78. Investors Quebec Enterprise Fund
  79. Investors Real Property Fund
  80. Investors Real Return Bond Fund
  81. Investors Retirement Growth Portfolio
  82. Investors Retirement High Growth Portfolio
  83. Investors Retirement Plus Portfolio
  84. Investors Summa SRI™ Fund
  85. Investors Summa Global SRI™ Fund
  86. Investors Summa Global Environmental Leaders™ Fund
  87. Investors Tactical Asset Allocation Fund
  88. Investors U.S. Dividend Growth Fund
  89. Investors U.S. Large Cap Growth Fund
  90. Investors U.S. Large Cap Value Fund
  91. Investors U.S. Money Market Fund
  92. Investors U.S. Opportunities Fund
  93. Investors World Growth Portfolio
  94. IG FI U.S. Large Cap Equity Fund
  95. IG FI International Equity Fund
  96. Investors Group Income Fund
  97. Investors Group Short Term Income Fund
  98. iProfile Canadian Equity Pool
  99. iProfile Emerging Markets Pool
  100. iProfile Fixed Income Pool
  101. iProfile International Equity Pool
  102. iProfile Money Market Pool
  103. iProfile U.S. Equity Pool



  1. Allegro Balanced Growth Canada Focus Portfolio Class
  2. Allegro Balanced Growth Portfolio Class 
  3. Allegro Balanced Portfolio Class
  4. Allegro Growth Canada Focus Portfolio Class
  5. Allegro Growth Portfolio Class
  6. IG AGF Canadian Diversified Growth Class
  7. IG AGF Canadian Growth Class
  8. IG AGF Global Equity Class
  9. IG AGF U.S. Growth Class
  10. IG Beutel Goodman Canadian Equity Class
  11. IG Bissett Canadian Equity Class
  12. IG FI Canadian Equity Class
  13. Investors U.S. Equity Class
  14. IG Mackenzie Cundill Global Value Class
  15. IG Mackenzie Global Precious Metals Class
  16. IG Mackenzie Ivy European Class
  17. IG Mackenzie Ivy Foreign Equity Class
  18. IG Mackenzie Maxxum Canadian Equity Growth Class
  19. IG Mackenzie Universal Emerging Markets Class
  20. IG Mackenzie Universal Global Growth Class
  21. IG Mackenzie Universal U.S. Growth Leaders Class
  22. IG Templeton International Equity Class
  23. Investors Canadian Equity Class
  24. Investors Canadian Growth Class
  25. Investors Canadian Large Cap Value Class
  26. Investors Canadian Small Cap Class
  27. Investors Canadian Small Cap Growth Class
  28. Investors Capital Yield Class
  29. Investors European Equity Class
  30. Investors European Mid-Cap Equity Class
  31. Investors Global Class
  32. Investors Global Consumer Companies Class
  33. Investors Global Financial Services Class
  34. Investors Global Health Care Class
  35. Investors Global Infrastructure Class
  36. Investors Global Natural Resources Class
  37. Investors Global Science & Technology Class
  38. Investors Greater China Class
  39. Investors International Equity Class
  40. Investors International Small Cap Class
  41. Investors Japanese Equity Class
  42. Investors Managed Yield Class
  43. Investors Mergers & Acquisitions Class
  44. Investors North American Equity Class
  45. Investors Pacific International Class
  46. Investors Pan Asian Growth Class
  47. Investors Quebec Enterprise Class
  48. Investors Short Term Capital Yield Class
  49. Investors Summa Global Environmental Leaders™ Class
  50. Investors Summa Global SRI™ Class
  51. Investors Summa SRITM Class
  52. Investors U.S. Large Cap Growth Class
  53. Investors U.S. Large Cap Value Class
  54. Investors U.S. Opportunities Class
  55. Investors U.S. Small Cap Class
  56. IG FI U.S. Large Cap Equity Class
  57. IG FI International Equity Class
 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.