FORM 51-101F3
This is the form referred to in item 3 of section 2.1 of National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities ("NI 51-101").
1. Terms to which a meaning is ascribed in NI 51-101 have the same meaning in this form.
2. The report referred to in item 3 of section 2.1 of NI 51-101 must in all material respects be in the following form:
Report of Management and Directors
on Reserves Data and Other Information
Management of [name of reporting issuer] (the "Company") are responsible for the preparation and disclosure of information with respect to the Company’s oil and gas activities in accordance with securities regulatory requirements. This information includes reserves data [and includes, if disclosed in the statement required by item 1 of section 2.1 of NI 51-101, other information such as contingent resources data or prospective resources data].
[Alternative A: Reserves Data to Report or Contingent Resources Data or Prospective Resources Data to Report]
[An] independent [qualified reserves evaluator[s] or qualified reserves auditor[s]] [has/have] [audited][,][and][evaluated][and reviewed] the Company’s [reserves data][,][contingent resources data][and][prospective resources data]. The report of the independent [qualified reserves evaluator[s] or qualified reserves auditor[s] ] [is presented below / will be filed with securities regulatory authorities concurrently with this report].
The [Reserves Committee of the] board of directors of the Company has
(a) reviewed the Company’s procedures for providing information to the independent [qualified reserves evaluator[s] or qualified reserves auditor[s]];
(b) met with the independent [qualified reserves evaluator[s] or qualified reserves auditor[s]] to determine whether any restrictions affected the ability of the independent [qualified reserves evaluator[s] or qualified reserves auditor[s]] to report without reservation [and, in the event of a proposal to change the independent [qualified reserves evaluator[s] or qualified reserves auditor[s]], to inquire whether there had been disputes between the previous independent [qualified reserves evaluator[s] or qualified reserves auditor[s] and management]]; and
(c) reviewed the [reserves data][,][contingent resources data][and][prospective resources data] with management and the independent [qualified reserves evaluator[s] or qualified reserves auditor[s]].
The [Reserves Committee of the] board of directors has reviewed the Company’s procedures for assembling and reporting other information associated with oil and gas activities and has reviewed that information with management. The board of directors has [, on the recommendation of the Reserves Committee,] approved
(a) the content and filing with securities regulatory authorities of Form 51-101F1 containing [reserves data][,][contingent resources data][and][prospective resources data] and other oil and gas information;
(b) the filing of Form 51-101F2 which is the report of the independent [qualified reserves evaluator[s] or qualified reserves auditor[s]] on the reserves data, contingent resources data, or prospective resources data; and
(c) the content and filing of this report.
Because the [reserves data][,][contingent resources data][and][prospective resources data] are based on judgements regarding future events, actual results will vary and the variations may be material.
[Alternative B: No Reserves to Report and No Resources Other than Reserves to Report]
The [Reserves Committee of the] board of directors of the Company has reviewed the oil and gas activities of the Company and has determined that the Company had no reserves as of [last day of the reporting issuer’s most recently completed financial year].
An independent qualified reserves evaluator or qualified reserves auditor has not been retained to evaluate the Company’s reserves data. No report of an independent qualified reserves evaluator or qualified reserves auditor will be filed with securities regulatory authorities with respect to the financial year ended on [last day of the reporting issuer’s most recently completed financial year].
The [Reserves Committee of the] board of directors has reviewed the Company’s procedures for assembling and reporting other information associated with oil and gas activities and has reviewed that information with management. The board of directors has [, on the recommendation of the Reserves Committee,] approved
(a) the content and filing with securities regulatory authorities of Form 51-101F1 containing information detailing the Company’s oil and gas activities; and
(b) the content and filing of this report.
[signature, name and title of chief executive officer]
[signature, name and title of an officer other than the chief executive officer]
[signature, name of a director]
[signature, name of a director]