Real Estate Orders and Exemptions

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THE MORTGAGE BROKERS ACT                  )                                                   Order No. 2855


SUBSECTION 5(1)                                             )                                                   May 27, 2024



Daryll Murray Esch

(hereinafter referred to as the “Registrant”)





(A)   The Registrant is registered as a broker under The Mortgage Brokers Act

(the “Act”);


(B)   The Registrant’s financial year ended on December 31, 2023;


(C)   The Registrant has failed to file the Form 3 - Statutory Declaration required by Section 25 of the Manitoba Regulation 41/11 (the “Regulation”) for the financial year end as set out in paragraph (B) above.





1.      That, under Subsection 5(1) of the Act, the registration of the Registrant as a broker under the Act is hereby suspended effective May 1, 2024 and shall remain so suspended until the Registrant has:


(a)    furnished to the Registrar the Form 3 - Statutory Declaration (Affidavit) for the financial year ended on the date set out in paragraph (B) hereof;


(b)    been notified by the Registrar that the Statutory Declaration (Affidavit) is in proper form and has been accepted; and,


(c)    applied for reinstatement of registration and paid fees as prescribed by Manitoba Regulation 41/2011.






                                                                                         Director - Legal


 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.