Unofficial Consolidated Versions

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Zone de Texte: This is an unofficial consolidation of Form 51-102F4 Business Acquisition Report reflecting amendments made effective January 1, 2011 in connection with Canada’s changeover to IFRS. The amendments apply for financial periods relating to financial years beginning on or after January 1, 2011. This document is for reference purposes only and is not an official statement of the law.


Form 51-102F4

Business Acquisition Report




(a)                           What is a Business Acquisition Report?


Your company must file a Business Acquisition Report after completing a significant acquisition. See Part 8 of National Instrument 51-102. The Business Acquisition Report describes the significant businesses acquired by your company and the effect of the acquisition on your company.


(b)                           Use of “Company”


Wherever this Form uses the word “company”, the term includes other types of business organizations such as partnerships, trusts and other unincorporated business entities.


(c)                           Focus on Relevant Information


When providing the disclosure required by this Form, focus your discussion on information that is relevant to an investor, analyst or other reader.


(d)                           Incorporating Material By Reference


You may incorporate information required by this Form by reference to another document. Clearly identify the referenced document, or any excerpt of it, that you incorporate into this Report. Unless you have already filed the referenced document or excerpt, including any documents incorporated by reference into the document or excerpt, you must file it with this Report. You must also disclose that the document is on SEDAR+ at


(e)                           Defined Terms


If a term is used but not defined in this Form, refer to Part 1 of National Instrument 51-102 and to National Instrument 14-101 Definitions. If a term is used in this Form and is defined in both the securities statute of a local jurisdiction and in National Instrument 51-102, refer to section 1.4 of Companion Policy 51-102CP for further guidance.

This Form also uses accounting terms that are defined or used in Canadian GAAP applicable to publicly accountable enterprises. For further guidance, see subsections 1.4(7) and (8) of Companion Policy 51-102CP.


(f)                            Plain Language


Write this Report so that readers are able to understand it. Consider both the level of detail provided and the language used in the document. Refer to the plain language principles listed in section 1.5 of Companion Policy 51-102CP for further guidance. If you use technical terms, explain them in a clear and concise manner.


(g)                           Numbering and Headings


The numbering, headings and ordering of items included in this Form are guidelines only. You do not need to include the headings or numbering or follow the order of items in this Form. Disclosure provided in response to any item need not be repeated elsewhere in the Report.




Item 1       Identity of Company


1.1                          Name and Address of Company


State the full name of your company and the address of its principal office in Canada.


1.2                          Executive Officer


Give the name and business telephone number of an executive officer of your company who is knowledgeable about the significant acquisition and the Report, or the name of an officer through whom such executive officer may be contacted.


Item 2       Details of Acquisition


2.1                          Nature of Business Acquired


Describe the nature of the business acquired.


2.2                          Acquisition Date


State the acquisition date used for accounting purposes.

2.3                          Consideration


Disclose the type and amount of consideration, both monetary and non- monetary, paid or payable by your company in connection with the significant acquisition, including contingent consideration. Identify the source of funds used by your company for the acquisition, including a description of any financing associated with the acquisition.


2.4                          Effect on Financial Position


Describe any plans or proposals for material changes in your business affairs or the affairs of the acquired business which may have a significant effect on the financial performance and financial position of your company. Examples include any proposal to liquidate the business, to sell, lease or exchange all or a substantial part of its assets, to amalgamate the business with any other business organization or to make any material changes to your business or the business acquired such as changes in corporate structure, management or personnel.


2.5                          Prior Valuations


Describe in sufficient detail any valuation opinion obtained within the last 12 months by the acquired business or your company required by securities legislation or a Canadian exchange or market to support the consideration paid by your company or any of its subsidiaries for the business, including the name of the author, the date of the opinion, the business to which the opinion relates, the value attributed to the business and the valuation methodologies used.


2.6                          Parties to Transaction


State whether the transaction is with an informed person, associate or affiliate of your company and, if so, the identity and the relationship of the other parties to your company.


2.7                          Date of Report


Date the Report.


Item 3       Financial Statements and Other Information


Include the financial statements or other information required by Part 8 of National Instrument 51-102. If applicable, disclose that the auditors have not given their consent to include their audit report in this Report.


[Amended January 1, 2011 and June 9, 2023]

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.